Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rovian lies

Ever since GW Bush started to be elected president, Karl Rove told him that lies work much better than truth and still they have small, tiny legs like “male” Velcro pieces, they seem to stick better in people’s mind. That’s how, to this day, many Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein war a card-carrying member of Al-Qaeda.

Today, lying as one breathes as become Mr. McCain “M.O.” For the attentive observer, it’s pretty clear that our self-professed “maverick” acts as a well trained “mouth-piece” of the Rovian conservative power base and just I hope that more folks will be able to see through his phoniness and his cute lies.

When I listen to the man, I don’t find it to be a maverick (if in fact he ever was one) but a fatigued, old and greedy professional politician who feels he has to be crowned president of the USA at all costs, including lying all the way to the White House.

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