Monday, September 1, 2008

From maverick to reckless

The “maverick” moniker has been so much used during the republican convention to personify John McCain that it has lost some of its bite. Instead, when I think of McCain I see the rise of a new nickname which is probably more suitable for the republican nominee: Reckless. After hearing during the RNC enough warmongering rhetoric from him and his fellow republicans directed at Iran and Russia, if not at his fellow democrats, more than too much “drill baby drill,” and not counting the bizarre choice of Sarah “Pitbull” Palin, I’m now convinced that the next possible incarnation of McCain is likely to be that of “reckless” leader; someone without thought of danger, marked by a lack of concern about possible undesirable consequences. Besides, “reckless” will be easier to spell for the average Republican as I have seen a few “mavrick” signs at that same convention…

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