Tuesday, April 24, 2007

How to save $200 billion

If we accept that one year in Iraq costs us around $100 billion, and if we also agree that President Bush has no intention to draw troops down while he’s in office, we can easily figure out that our next president will have to wait until 2009 to initiate any pull-out effort.

If instead pressure could be applied now on Republicans - who stand more likely to lose their seats in 2008 - to band together and summon Messrs. Bush and Cheney to quit their rhetoric and finally acknowledge that this war is a lost cause, we would be two years ahead of the game and save ourselves these $200 billion, including hundreds if, not thousands, of U.S. troops lives, not to mentions thousand of wounded.

We, the taxpayers would love the idea, troop families would salute that tangible support and most Iraqis would get what they've wanted for four years; Everyone would applaud the move, except perhaps our President and Vice-President as they might need more time for the concept to sink in…

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